Sunday, January 4, 2009

New year!! New beginnings?

It is 2009 already. Still have to get used to that while signing off my checks. Every year, just like a lot of us, I too start off with new year resolutions. Trying to brush away past failures and making new goals with renewed hope and energy. This year, I tried not to have any new year resolutions at all. Part of me is already calling me loser, escapist, liar, etc, etc. How can I ditch the evergreen one like 'losing weight'? I have realized that in the process of creating new goals and new beginnings, I have never come to terms with what I have made of myself the past years. Was everything wrong? Of course not!! Then why not carry some of what I have been doing into this new year too with a stronger will and a greater appreciation for what is already there? This year let me dig up what I already have in myself and make it brighter? Nothing brand new. Just old me but nicely dusted, polished, and sparkling. In that process, I might be more lighter! Have I reached a stage of complacency? Let me see. After all I have the whole of 2009 to figure that out.


  1. No resolutions! Hah! you have arrived!Very nicely written.

  2. Love your style of writing, Harini! I can partially identify with this post, coz I am one person who never has any New Year resolutions. And I'm not ashamed to say it. It is just me, I act on the spur of the moment and maybe carry on as I go along but don't really make long term plans :)
